You’ve created your audience, your website has the Facebook Pixel installed, and you are ready to send out that amazing ad you’ve worked so hard on. Wait! Before you submit it, how long should you run that ad for?? Let’s dive in!
Quick Promotions or One Day Messages
Event today! One Day Only! These types of quick promotions or one day events/messages may be better suited with boosting the post rather than creating an ad campaign around it. Boosting posts isn’t typically something I recommend, but when used in the context of a quick message that needs to be sent out, it is an option you can use when in a time crunch.
Ad Campaigns
Now, for a typical campaign my advice is to aim to run your ads for a minimum of 2 weeks.
Let me break down why this is:
- If you create an ad that runs less than 2 weeks, you limit the learning that you (and Facebook) can do from that ad campaign based on the data collected. When you cut this time too short, it limits Facebook’s ability to optimize the ad and show you what is and isn’t working.
- You are probably wasting your hard earned money! If you aren’t gathering data and taking learnings from the ad’s data, you are missing out on the ability to create a winning long-term strategy and you deserve that for your business!
- This ad campaign should be part of a larger picture and if it’s not, zoom out and see how it fits within your advertising strategy. How does this ad campaign fit within the big picture for your business? If someone joins your email list, don’t leave them hanging! How can you create retargeting ads that offer them a promotion and turn them into a customer for life? These are some things to consider when creating a Facebook ad!
If you enjoyed this content and want to get your first ad campaign set up ASAP, check out my mini-course Facebook Ads In A Weekend. I’ll cover….
- How much you need to spend on your Facebook Ads
- If now is the right time to run ads
- How to know your return $ + how to know you’re not wasting your money on Facebook Ads
- ….and so much more
Get instant access today for only $49 (discounted for a limited time!).
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