Getting Started with Facebook Ads

Tracking Options With Instagram and Facebook Ads

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I'm Jenny!

CEO of Ads Uncorked and crazy ad scientist. My passion lies in helping eCommerce brands achieve big goals through results-driven Facebook Ads™.

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Today I want to chat about tracking and Facebook + Instagram Ads. This is so important to understand before spending any more money on your ads!! You NEED to track the results of your ads somehow.

There are a few different ways you can track your results and I want to explain to the basics of two different ways I like track for my clients; tracking through Google Analytics and Facebook Ads Manager.

Tracking through Facebook Ads Manager

First, let’s chat about tracking through Facebook Ads Manager. If you don’t already know about the pixel, make sure you check this free tutorial before getting started. The pixel is a piece of code that goes on your site and it tracks all sorts of conversions for you, like number of email subscribers, purchases, adds to cart, retargeting, whatever it might be. The Pixel allows you to track most all actions you’d like to track.

What many people don’t realize is that if these conversion events aren’t auto populating in Ads Manager when trying to create your ads, you can manually tell Facebook to count certain actions on your website as a conversion.

For example, I had a 1:1 client this week who had a free download on her site, but the Pixel didn’t auto track when someone subscribed to her email list. So what I did is I set up her Ads Manager so that every time someone clicked “submit” to opt into the email list, Facebook now counts that as a conversion. Know that measuring just about any action on your website as a conversion is an option and is necessary, if you want to gauge your return on ad spend.

Similarly, if you want to track your Adds to Cart or Purchases and Facebook isn’t measuring those conversions automatically, you can easily tell Facebook what you want it to count as a conversion. If you need help with this, let’s get in touch to get this set up for you during a 1:1 consultation!  

So that’s an overview of what tracking within Instagram and Facebook ads can look like through Facebook Ads Manager. The Pixel will track conversions on both platforms. My favorite part about this is that when tracking your conversions, Facebook Ads Manager will also tell you what your cost per conversion was and what your return on ad spend was. If you’re selling a product, it’ll tell you how much money you spent per product being sold. If you’re growing an email list, it’ll tell you how much it’s costing you to get a new email subscriber and how many purchases were made after someone joined your list, if you’re also selling something to your email list.

Tracking With Google Analytics

Now, I also love tracking with Google Analytics! It’s a very robust tool and I know it can be very daunting. At the end of the day, the custom conversions you can set up in Facebook Ads Manager, you can also set up through Google Analytics. I often set up tracking within both for my clients because through Google Analytics, you can measure conversions through other platforms like Pinterest or your email marketing efforts, whereas Ads Manager tracks conversions through your ads themselves. Again, if you’re in need of help getting either one of these set up, we’re here to help and we can cover that during a 1:1 consultation sessions! Learn more at

In need of more help with ads? Make sure to check out our other free resources at

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Meet Jenny

My passion lies in helping eCommerce brands achieve big goals through results-driven Facebook Ads. As a former math teacher turned numbers nerd, I’ve found my calling in empowering other business owners while cherishing my own family time. I founded Ads Uncorked to grant you more family time while you toast to a stress-free ad experience with our team.

Hi, I'm Jenny.
CEO & Lead Ad Strategist of Ads Uncorked.

A dedicated mama of two, data enthusiast, & RV wanderer
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Ads Manager can be really confusing…What settings to chose? The buttons keep changing 😵‍💫 What am I even looking at??
Let me cut out the fluff and dive right in to what you actually need to know when navigating Ads Manager.

Navigate Facebook Ads in 5 minutes